Would you like to come and experience the off-grid lifestyle within our intentional community and help us with a variety of tasks? Bring your skills and learn from us!
Travelling helpers
A number of families here are listed in the WorkAway scheme and typically ask for help with growing veggies organically, eco projects, DIY and building projects, babysitting and creative play, creating and cooking family meals, helping around the house.
Also, there are always plenty of things to do with the community such as bush regeneration and weed eradication, taking care of our food forest, roads, wildfire preparation and maintaining community facilities.
You may stay in either independent accommodation (limited availability) or with your host family. During your visit, we hope you’ll find ways to help a number of different households as well as joining in on fortnightly community workdays.
Off-grid living
The Korinderie community currently consists of 13 households (21 adults and 14 children). Homes are all off-grid with solar power, water tanks, composting toilets and a variety of internet providers. Additional members can be accepted after an extended ‘getting to know each other’ process, which often begins by staying and helping. If you are interested in exploring further, go to the ‘Co-op Info’ menu where you can download –
- a potted history
- answers to commonly asked questions, and
- the basic outline of steps to becoming a member.
For more information, contact secretary#korinderie.org.au